Documents which have to shared by the company mandatorily as per the Companies Act of 2013 may be downloaded here.



At GMT, we believe in making a positive impact on the world. Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives reflect our commitment to giving back to the communities we serve and protecting our natural environment. We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of ethics, compliance, and proactiveness in all our business practices.

GMT’s commitment to social and economic progress is evident from the day it was established in Pallikaranai. Pallikaranai was a tiny hamlet on the fringes of the famous marsh of the same name when GMT was constructed there, providing employment to many local people. Many other companies and educational institutions followed over time, but the village, which some say is over 800 years old, but it was the need to serve GMT and its employees which resulted in the connection of the village for the first time on the city’s electric and transport grid in the late 60s.

Today the company is proud to uphold the values of its heritage by complete compliance with the Government’s policy on Corporate Social Responsibility as detailed in the Company’s Act of 2013.

Read more: About GMT’s Beginnings